Cityside Archives 2 - Natural Disasters 0

Cityside Archives has weathered Hurricane Sandy and yesterday's snow storm with no damage and only minimal service interruptions to our records management services.

We did lose power last week but thanks to our backup generators we were able to function with a limited capacity to fulfill our clients record management needs. Some of our competitors had damage to their facilities and still don't have power. One thing we learned from this experience is that Cityside Archive's planning and emergency systems and procedures worked.

Many businesses are facing a lot of property damage. Hundreds of  businesses had flooded basements and lost years of important files and records. This is one of the risks you can avoid by storing your records and documents offsite with Cityside Archives. Our facilities are built above grade level and are constructed of concrete and steel to withstand high winds and the weight of heavy snow.

Some businesses can't open yet due to power outages and damage to their buildings and it's still tough for some people to get to work. Even if you can't get to your office, Cityside can deliver your files and records to wherever you are working from in the greater New York City Metropolitan Area.

We hope you and your families made it through the storms unscathed and that everything will return to normal for everyone as soon as possible.

If you have any questions on our records storage and related services please contact us. 

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