Make 2013 the year you reduce the costs of your records storage

Why not make 2013 the year you finally start reducing your cost of off-site records storage? Cityside Archives can save you 20-30% or more on files and records storage and document management services (deliveries/pick-ups/shredding/Media Vault, etc). 

Cityside Archives specializes in document management and records storage. For over twenty years we have been offering state-of-the-art facilities, outstanding local customer service and dramatically lower rates than our competitors. Unlike many of our competitors, we do not have numerous layers of management for our clients to wade through in their efforts to address concerns.  Our senior management team is on-site, active and available.  We are empowered to make decisions and we are driven to make sure that your every interaction with us makes you look forward to the next.

There are no transfer charges to switch your containers from wherever they are currently stored and, where applicable, we can often offset most, if not all, of the various permanent withdrawal fees that would be charged by your current off-site records storage vendor.  In most cases you can expect to switch to Cityside at no cost to you and begin realizing substantial savings from the start.

Visit our Website to get a quote to see how much you can save at or click here for a free records storage quote, e-mail us at, or call us at (732) 429-1100 ext 250. 

Thank you and happy New Year.

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